
Our sustainability vision

Our sustainability vision focuses on four key areas :

  • Bringing the smartest energy mix;
  • Caring for the environment;
  • Developing and maintaining strong relationships with our communities and governments;
  • And acting ethically and transparently.

BURKINA LNG is assessing and managing safety social and environmental impacts, and making ethical and transparent strategic business decisions. This approach delivers safe and profitable operations.

BURKINA LNG recognizes that good environmental practice is critical to good operational performance and to building trust and acceptance.

Our Environment vision guides our approach and is complemented by a suite of additional policies and Environment standards that set expectations for consistent environmental performance at our sites, across all of the regions where we operate.

Climate change

BURKINA LNG is committed to the sustainable energy mix.

As a professional, we must identify, assess and report our responses to climate change.

Our Climate Change vision outlines our approach as we take action to manage our climate change risks and opportunities, consistent with our objective to sustainably deliver superior returns to our stakeholders. Our Climate Change Policy continues to direct our actions to build a sustainable, resilient business which will thrive in a low carbon future, encompassing:

  • A better understanding of the life-cycle GHG emissions for LNG value chains
  • Increasing the transparency of our climate change reporting of performance metrics and targets
  • Ensuring that our measuring, reporting and verification processes are robust
  • Assessing options to increase the use of renewable power and low emission energy technologies to mix with LNG
  • Assessing climate change scenarios and the projected future price of energy in our medium to long term analysis
  • Contributing constructively to policy development in our host countries.

Transparent and Ethical Business

We are committed to high-quality governance, transparency and ethical business practices across the organization.

Good governance sets the foundation for the respectful engagement we undertake with governments and communities in the areas where we operate. It helps us to drive growth and improvement, while protecting and maintaining our reputation with our stakeholders.

Our standard reflects the values underpinning all our behaviours and our relationships with our stakeholders. We are guided by our values: caring about people, acting with integrity and honesty, working together, valuing innovation and problem solving, and striving for high performance. These values shape the behaviours we expect from everyone who works for BURKINA LNG.

Our Legal Governance Compliance Framework assesses and monitors whether adequate policies, standards and controls are in place to ensure we achieve our sustainability vision and operate in a legal and responsible way across all our operations.